Mindi Abair
Mindi Abair (13.07.2010):
“I watched the SOUL TRAIN-show here in America religiously. So when I saw that you are doing a magazine called SOUL TRAIN I thought that was the best thing in the world. I think it is amazing for Germany to have an outlet for this style of music, because Soul Music is so great!”

Alborosie (10.05.2016):
„Blessings brother!“

Herb Alpert
Herb Alpert (16.08.2016):
„Der SOUL TRAIN – Deutschland. Meine Erinnerungen an Deutschland sind alle nur bester Natur. Ich erinnere mich an diese folgenden Worte (Herb Alpert spricht mit sehr gebrochenem, phonetischem Deutsch, Anm. d. Verf.): „Meine Damen und Herren, es freut mich sehr, heute Abend hier zu sein!““
Asa (11.01.2008):
“Michael Arens’ SOUL TRAIN – so Soulful and so Real!“

Gerald Alston (The Manhattans)
Gerald Alston (The Manhattans) (05.05.2008):
“Soultrainonline.de is „Great!!!!“ It really keeps our music real and alive. You’re The Greatest!!!!”
Susanne Alt (04.05.2016):
„Selten habe ich mich mit einem Musikjournalisten wie Michael Arens unterhalten, der sich so gut in dieser Stilrichtung auskannte; Leidenschaft kombiniert mit Qualität! Deshalb ist SOUL TRAIN im deutschsprachigen Raum einzigartig für Soul, Funk, Jazz & Urban Grooves!“
Roman Andrén (13.04.2010):
“I’m so grateful for being a part of SOUL TRAIN – makes me feel strong in what I do, when life is rough. THANK YOU!”
Ayo. (13.11.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN – The Best In Soul Music Ever!“
Ade Bantu (BANTU) (31.05.2023): „Liebe Leser des SOUL TRAIN: Dieses Interview gibt euch die Möglichkeit, einen kleinen Einblick in die Welt von BANTU und unserem neuen Album zu bekommen!“
Alexander Barck (Jazzanova) (04.11.2008):
“Musik ist weder Schwarz noch Weiß. Musik ist Universal und kann über Schwarz und Weiß, über Alles, hinweggehen. Genau darüber schreibt der SOUL TRAIN.“
Emily Barker (21.04.2017):
„It was such a pleasure to talk to Michael (Arens) about Soul Music, Memphis and the making of my album, „Sweet Kind of Blue“ – so pleased he gets my album so deeply! It’s wonderful that Germany has such a great and comprehensive home for Soul Music on soultrainonline.de!“
Josh Beagley (Confection) (26.02.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN is to Funk as Heidegger is to Philosophy. Indispensable.”
Gary Beals (10.01.2024):
“Hey everyone! Sending a huge hello and shout out to all of you! If you’re checking out this interview on soultrainonline.de, you’re in for a treat. We’ve covered a lot of ground, diving into the heart and soul of my music, the journey behind “The Melody Within”, and some thoughts on the world around us. There are insights, stories, and a glimpse into what drives my passion for music. So, dive in and join me on this musical journey – it’s going to be a great read!”

Jean-Paul „Bluey“ Maunick (Incognito)
Bluey (Jean-Paul „Bluey“ Maunick) (Incognito) (19.07.2016):
„It gives my great pleasure to be here because the SOUL TRAIN is where the music, where Incognito is at!“
Jeff Cascaro (09.07.2008):
“Thanks for your SOUL TRAIN! It´s a wonderful magazine!!!!”
Emilio Castillo (Tower Of Power) (02.09.2009):
“For me Germany has always been the Soul of Europe. We got there because the people really appreciate Soul Music. So – The SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de – my kind of magazine! SOUL TO THE MAX!”
Pierre Chrétien (The Souljazz Orchestra) (07.09.2017):
„Germany does have a wicked, wicked music-scene. We’ve been playing there for over ten years now, and just like your website, the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de, it’s great that they/you are promoting the music that we do! It’s invaluable for us!“

Dennis Coffey
Dennis Coffey (Funk Brothers) (22.03.2011):
“It’s great to hear Soul Music is alive and well in Germany – thanks to the SOUL TRAIN!”
Steve Cole (27.09.2016):
„Soultrainonline.de – it’s awesome that you’re bringin‘ Soul and Funk and Jazz and Groove to Germany, and I hope to do the same some time soon! Thanks for being around, SOUL TRAIN!“
The Commodores (01.03.2008):
“Hi Michael, great page!!!!!!”
Nicola Conte (13.08.2008):
“The SOUL TRAIN is one of those magazines that create the right vibe for the music!”
James Copley (Electro Deluxe) (15.02.2024):
“To our supporters, old and new, we extend our deepest gratitude. Without you, Electro Deluxe would simply cease to exist. Remember, YOU ARE ELECTRO DELUXE – and together, we’ll continue to groove and inspire for years to come.”

André Cymone
André Cymone (26.09.2017):
„Liest dieses Interview, denn Musik ist die letzte Grenze der Wahrheit! Immer wieder sprechen die Leute über Fake News und Fake dies und Fake das, aber Soul Musik war immer eine Art Steuerrad für die Menschen, die Dinge aus der Perspektive eines Menschen zu sehen, der die ganze Welt bereist und alles gesehen hat. Die packen diese Dinge dann entweder in einen Song oder eben in Zeilen wie die im SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de. Das ist ein sehr guter Grund, den SOUL TRAIN zu lesen und diese Musik, meine Musik, zu hören!“
August Darnell (Kid Creole & The Coconuts) (31.03.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN is not only for your Soul, but it’s also for your brain! You can not live without it!”

Frank Dellé (Seeed)
Frank Dellé (Seeed) (05.07.2016):
„Soul an sich ist einfach eine starke Wurzel, die diesen ganzen musikalischen Baum der schwarzen Musik irgendwie hält. Und diesen Baum zu unterstützen, zu nähren, ist eigentlich das, was ich mir als musikalisches Ding vorstelle, und eben genau dafür steht der SOUL TRAIN!““
DJ Cam (Laurent Daumail) (14.10.2011):
“I know that the SOUL TRAIN is one of the great music-magazines I Germany! I also love it because it covers a lot of different artists, sometimes artists that no other magazine cares about. Big artists and underground artists as well… I also remember that it used to be a paper magazine, about ten years or so ago (BLACK MUSIC, Anm. D. Red.)! I used to DJ a lot in Germany back then and I do remember it!“
DJ Vadim (23.03.2009):
“Finally – a breath of fresh air. Soultrainonline.de Deutschland – we need Soul, we need Love, we need the SOUL TRAIN!”
Emma Donovan (Emma Donovan & The Putbacks) (12.10.2020):
„Massive shout out to soultrainonline.de! I’m Emma Donovan from Australia and I’m proud to share „Crossover“, my collaborative album with The Putbacks. We have come together to bring you some stories on family, love, loss, language and what I pass down as an Aboriginal woman and as a woman to give and feed my children and community.“
Conya Doss (07.03.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN ist zunächst mal ein großartiger Name. Viele Menschen wissen gar nicht, dass er sehr traditionsreich ist. Zum Magazin selbst: Ich finde es einfach gut, dass es durch den SOUL TRAIN ein Sprachrohr für Soul in Deutschland gibt! Das macht den Soul universell und hält ihn am Leben!”

George Duke (RIP)
George Duke (14.08.2008) (RIP) :
“If you like your music Soulful, if you like your Funk with a Groove, then you wanna get into the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de – and stay off the bus!!!”
Dwele (09.06.2010):
“It’s good to see that Soul Music is livin’ outside the walls of the U.S. and that the SOUL TRAIN is keepin’ it alive in Germany!“
Sly Dunbar (Sly & Robbie) (20.02.2012):
“I think the SOUL TRAIN-magazine, the only one for Soul Music in Germany, is great!”
Earl Dwayne (08.06.2011):
“You, Michael and the SOUL TRAIN are the true gate keepers of Soul! And if Soul is to survive and to continue to flow and flourish I would always want to be entrusted to the care of the SOUL TRAIN!”
Christian Eitner (Jazzkantine) (22.09.2016):
„SOUL TRAIN – keep the spirit alive!“
Ephemerals (Nicolas Hillman Mondegreen) (18.09.2015):
„SOUL TRAIN, the magazine that gets to the Soul of music!“
Jukka Eskola (Jukka Eskola Quintet, Jukka Eskola Orquesta Bossa, The Five Corners Quintet, Jukka Eskola Soul Trio) (11.04.2017):
„Soultrainonline.de, they are in it for the Groove!“

Estelle (25.03.2008):
“I’m so happy that Soul Music has a place to go in Germany – the SOUL TRAIN!“
Lance Ferguson (The Bamboos/Lanu) (06.04.2010):
“SOUL TRAIN is opening the ears of the next generation to the best progressive Soul Music from all over the world!”
Amp Fiddler (27.08.2008):
“I really appreciate what you do. Because what you do is that you promote the record, which is what we really need. That way I can get people to buy the record so that we can go on tour. We need a certain level of demand to be able to go on tour. SOUL TRAIN is the site that creates the future for people to hear the next generation and the next spirit of Soul Music!”

Izo FitzRoy
Izo FitzRoy (25.02.2020):
„Hey SOUL TRAIN readers! SOUL TRAIN is the bomb! I really hope you enjoy the interview!“

Kirk Franklin
Kirk Franklin (31.07.2019):
„Germany! I love you! I can’t wait to come back and perform for all my brothers and sisters! Shout out to soultrainonline.de for thinking of me and rocking with the music. Let’s Go! LONG.LIVE.LOVE!“

Martin Fry (ABC)
Martin Fry (Vice Versa/ABC) (03.11.2008):
“The fire’s still burning – Soul Music is important! The audience is getting bigger – thanks to the SOUL TRAIN!”
Gemma & The Travellers (15.05.2019):
„Hey people of SOUL TRAIN, you are all here for a reason, and I am pretty sure that reason is because you like REAL and authentic, you like to move and groove, you like to have plenty of Love and sunshine in your lives. Well get down and listen to Gemma & The Travellers‘ new album „True Love“ out on 24th May and feel the Love! Are you down? Cos we’re down, baby! Funk on!“
Preston Glass (24.06.2008):
“I appreciate the scope of the website. You got your interviews, your reviews, your archive, your philosophy… I like that the SOUL TRAIN is honoring Soul Music. As Little Richard said – RnB and Soul Music had a baby and called it Rock’n’Roll!”
Torsten Goods (22.09.2023):
„Liebe Leser von soultrainonline.de, hier ist Torsten Goods und ich möchte euch dieses Interview nahelegen, weil es schlicht und ergreifend mein umfangreichstes Interview zu meinem neuen Album „Soul Searching“ und in den letzten Jahren überhaupt ist, mit unfassbar interessanten Fragen, Fragen, die auch über die Musik hinaus gehen. Insofern lege ich es euch ans Herz und freue mich, wen Ihr es lest im SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de! Hier ist Torsten Goods und ich freue mich, euch auf unserer Tour zu sehen, im Oktober!“

Macy Gray
Macy Gray (28.11.2014):
“SOUL TRAIN: You ask good questions!”
Glenn Gregory (Heaven 17 / British Electric Foundation (BEF) / Eskimo / Honeyroot / etc.) (29.05.2008):
“I’ve read a review about our Honeyroot-album ”The Sun Will Come“: ”It is the most soulful, beautiful piece of music I have heard for years.“ And that is why we want to be on your site, because the SOUL TRAIN is after REAL Soul Music. The SOUL TRAIN is the FEEDER of the Soul!”
Rob Hardt (Cool Million/Seductive Souls Musiq) (21.08.2008):
“Hi Michael! Danke, dass Du die Seele des Souls auch den deutschsprachigen Lesern näher bringst. Super Magazin… Super soulful mag where you can feel the love for soul musiq. You guys must be musiq junkies 🙂 One Love!”

Hellmut Hattler
Hellmut Hattler (Hattler / Kraan / Tab Two / Siyou’n’Hell / etc.) (01.07.2016):
„Das, was der SOUL TRAIN macht, ist mit Leidenschaft gemacht. Der SOUL TRAIN – ein Angebot an eine kaputte Welt, eine verletzte Welt…“

Stefanie Heinzmann
Stefanie Heinzmann (15.03.2008):
“Der Soul kommt zu wenig an die jungen Leute. Es gibt zwar Joss Stone, aber mehr ist da Soul- oder Funk-technisch wirklich kaum noch auf dem Markt. Ich finde, einfach, dass Soul viel mehr an die jungen Menschen herangetragen werden sollte, anstatt “Schnuffel“ und so was. Ich und der SOUL TRAIN, wir versuchen, das zu ändern!”
Richard A. Hewson (RAH Band) (28.07.2011):
“A magazine of that nature is what is needed for people of our type. The SOUL TRAIN is great to grow information and feed our souls… really – the SOUL TRAIN feeds your soul!”
The Hi-Fly Orchestra (25.06.2013):
“The SOUL TRAIN – all our favorite music on one website!”
Martha High (11.05.2016):
„The SOUL TRAIN Soul Music? Child, you got a hole in your Soul if you didn’t know, they got a home in Germany, heey!“

Ice Cube
Ice Cube (N.W.A.) (16.09.2010):
“Yo what’s up – this is your boy Ice Cube. You know what I’m doin’? I’m on the SOUL TRAIN! You know how we do… Germany’s finest is going’ down, baby! YAY YAY!”

The Jacksons
The Jacksons (19.12.2012):
„Thank you for the support SOUL TRAIN! We love your readers and we thank you for taking the time to speak with us!“
Leela James (27.09.2012):
„The SOUL TRAIN – I love music and it’s in my soul“
Paul Janeway (St. Paul & The Broken Bones) (18.08.2016):
„Always great to see The SOUL TRAIN bringing great music to Germany!“

Jean-Michel Jarre
Jean-Michel Jarre (21.04.2016):
„Es ist gut, durch dich mit dem deutschen Publikum über das „Electronica“-Projekt zu sprechen. Elektronische Musik – Electronica – hat nichts zu tun mit Amerikanischer Pop-Musik, mit Rock oder Jazz. Sie kommt aus Deutschland und Frankreich und dem kontinentalen Europa, denn alle Musik stammt ab von klassischer Musik. Elektronische Musik wurde hier geboren, in Europa, in beiden Teilen dies- und jenseits der deutsch-französischen Grenze. Elektronische Musik ist etwas, dass uns durch das Erbe der klassischen Musik hinterlassen wurde. Ohne Deutschland hätte es ein Projekt wie „Electronica“ nicht gegeben, gerade auch weil es im Internet Portale wie den SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de gibt.“

Garland Jeffreys
Garland Jeffreys (13.08.2012):
„I love the idea that there’s a magazine called SOUL TRAIN and it’s in Germany! Germany could surely use more Soul Music, as it is certainly an enormous influence in music all around the world. The fact that you have such a magazine is a tribute to you. Black Music finds a new home!“

Leee John (Imagination)
Leee John (Imagination) (08.11.2023):
“Hi to all SOUL TRAIN-readers! I would love to come and see you all next year performing live with the “Flashback 40th Anniversary-Greatest Hits-Tour 2024”! Watch the SOUL TRAIN for more info! Michael, you’re doing a great job with The SOUL TRAIN @ soultainonline.de! Keep the great work up!”
Angela Johnson (18.02.2008):
“The SOUL TRAIN really is needed in Germany. We definitely need to continue getting promotion for great music. And the SOUL TRAIN is right on point about that!”
Sly Johnson (Silvére Johnson) (27.10.2015):
„A good soul to follow. All aboard the SOUL TRAIN! Longue vie et tout le meilleir du monde! Keep it funky!“
Dr. Bob Jones (22.09.2008):
“I like SOUL TRAIN very much. The features, graphics and reviews are brilliant and it has a great ‘feel’ to it. I like the way that your on-line magazine does not live in the past and keeps pushing the music forward- much respect for you for that. Lastly THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing Dr Bob Jones into the inspirational world of SOUL TRAIN. Peace, love and stay blessed- always. – Dr Bob Jones – ‘So Soulful – It Hurt’s! – Sept/08”
Kloud 9 (23.10.2008):
“The SOUL TRAIN is Germany’s premier spot on the web to get current and relevant news about all things soulful. If it’s on The SOUL TRAIN.. it’s gotta be Soulful!”
Beverley Knight (08.12.2009):
“You guys at the SOUL TRAIN are the leaders of the pack in Germany. And that is wonderful. Like they say about Kellogg’s Cornflakes – you guys are the original and the best!“
Lati Kronlund (Brooklyn Funk Essentials) (30.05.2008):
“From A to B or A to Z – For Funk and Soul, it’s the place to be! Brooklyn Funk Essentials take the SOUL TRAIN to the last stop!”

Simon Law („The Funky Ginger“ – Soul II Soul/Una Mas)
Simon Law („The Funky Ginger“ – Soul II Soul/Una Mas) (20.06.2017):
„I feel love and gratitude to the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de for your support of all things soulful, uplifting and funky in the world of music. Love is the message!!“
Lexsoul Dancemachine (26.05.2020):
„Hey lovely SOUL TRAIN-people! Art is the insurance policy of (the) Soul! We hope you dig this interview as much as we loved doing it. It’s the first feature story to get insights on our new album „Lexplosion II“ and our current workings! We love you!“

Maxwell (18.07.2016):
„With the SOUL TRAIN Soul Music finally has a home in Germany!“
Ziek McCarter (Con Brio) (22.07.2016):
„I appreciate the support that SOUL TRAIN has showed us and other talented Soul, Funk and Jazz artists around the world. SOUL TRAIN – keeping the music alive!“

George McCrae
George McCrae (19.04.2016):
„SOUL TRAIN – Soul Train Music! You finally have a home in Germany. Welcome! What kept you away? We really need you to keep the Soul/Funk coming…“
Robin McKelle (21.08.2012 / 26.01.2016):
„Thanks to SOUL TRAIN, people can get hip to Sweet Soul Music! It’s Soul Good to have a site like the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de to get the good word out in Germany!“
Meeco (11.11.2014):
„Michael Arens from SOUL TRAIN is a very competent and friendly guy! I highly enjoy reading his reviews and appreciate very much his work. Much respect!“

Sérgio Mendes
Sérgio Mendes (25.04.2008):
“I’m very happy to know that Germany has a magazine like the SOUL TRAIN.”
Mo’Horizons (09.05.2019):
„Grüße von Herzen und Danke dass ihr euch für unsere Musik interessiert!“
John Morales (M&M Mixes) (16.11.2009):
“SOUL TRAIN – the only place in Germany where it’s all about the music – SOUL MUSIC – in the SOUL TRAIN!“
Rory More (Les Hommes) (07.12.2024):
„Danke an alle SOUL TRAIN-Leser, danke fürs Lesen und für das Hören. Danke auch für die geteilte positive Reaktion, die „positive Vibrations“. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald in einer perfekt geformten Umgebung mit meiner Orgel und meiner Band in eurer Nähe!”
Ed Motta (17.02.2016):
„The SOUL TRAIN mag is great, long live SOUL TRAIN mag!“

Musiq Soulchild
Musiq Soulchild (04.09.2017):
„Die Mensche sollten meine Musik hören und darüber im SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de lesen und diese als soziale Komponente, als Werkzeug benutzen, miteinander zu kommunizieren, tatsächlich sollte sie das mit jeder Art Musik tun!“
Max Mutzke (23.08.2010):
“Ich bin sehr stolz, dass ich endlich mal ein Interview mit dem SOUL TRAIN hatte! Ich hoffe, dass euch in der SOUL TRAIN-Redaktion eure Mission gelingt, dass ihr den Soul in Deutschland genauso etablieren könnt, wie man das mit bereits mit dem Jazz geschafft hat. Ich wünsche Euch da enorm viel Glück und ziehe den Hut vor eurem Ergeiz, das so voranzutreiben!”
Najee (08.09.2009):
“I’m excited to finally connect with the German audience through the SOUL TRAIN!”
Meshell Ndegeocello (11.09.2012):
“I’m so happy that there is a place for Soul Music in Germany! As a person living in America I find that only in my travels to places like Berlin or Paris that there is still a real love for Soul Music. I am very aware that the foundation of all my music is Soul Music. The SOUL TRAIN – please keep it alive!“

Aaron Neville
Aaron Neville (12.05.2011):
“Get on board the SOUL TRAIN – with me Aaron Neville! I think it’s great for Germany to have a home for Soul Music, because it’s really important in the music world!”
Aaron Neville (25.07.2016):
„Check out soultrainonline.de, where they keep everything way cool!“
Nicolay (Nicolay & Kay) (12.02.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN is the number one source of information for Soul Music in Germany!”
Astrid North (21.11.2014):
SOUL TRAIN… Ich kann hier neue Musik entdecken. Im Archiv stöbern, Interviews lesen, Konzerttermine erfahren… Immer im Blick: Soul, Funk, Jazz & Urban Grooveszine SOUL TRAIN!
Tom O’Grady (Resolution 88) (07.11.2016):
„Resolution 88 are so excited to be aboard the SOUL TRAIN – hopefully travelling 1st class to play live shows near you soon!“

Omar (24.05.2013)/(10.02.2017):
„Keep up with the SOUL TRAIN – it keeps Soul Music in Germany chugging along!“ / „SOUL TRAIN is such a cool website, I’m real happy to be included in it’s coverage of everything Soul and Funky!“
Ola Onabule (13.03.2008):
“Everybody knows Germany got Soul! And if you’re looking for a place to ride that Soul into, the SOUL TRAIN is the place to go – and you can find it on soultrainonline.de! The SOUL TRAIN – ENJOY – may the groove be with you!”

St. Paul Peterson
St. Paul Peterson (24.02.2022):
„Hey everyone, this is St. Paul Peterson, former member of Morris Day and The Time, The Family, and The Steve Miller Band, to name a few. In this article, we’ll go in depth on my new record „Break On Free“, and take a look back at my career! Thanks for joining us! Thanks you for sticking with me all these years. It’s been quite a journey!“
Bettina Pohle (03.05.2014):
„Wie schön, dass es tatsächlich Menschen gibt , die mit musikalischer Hörerfahrung und Leidenschaft schreiben, weil sie WISSEN, worüber sie schreiben – das macht einfach Spaß! Du (Michael Arens, soultrainonline.de) machst einfach eine satt gute Arbeit mit SOUL TRAIN!! Es gibt online und offline im Musikbusiness viel zu viele wannabes, wenn man dann auf jemanden stößt, der echt Ahnung hat und soviel Herzblut investiert, ist das wie ein Geschenk!“

Maxi Priest
Maxi Priest (04.07.2014):
„I believe that Soul Music is something that has translated across the border. Germany is no different from the rest of the world with their appreciation of Soul Music through the SOUL TRAIN! Keep the music vibin‘, keep the music flowin‘ – Maxi Priest say so, okay?!“

Alex Puddu
Alex Puddu (24.01.2016):
„SOUL TRAIN is a great spot for keeping up with the good alternative Soul scene! Thank god you exist – god bless the SOUL TRAIN!“
Rakim (Eric B. & Rakim) (10.05.2010):
“Word up. It’s big what you’re doing with the SOUL TRAIN, ‘cause you’re keeping that era of music alive, where to this day Soul Music impacted the world and the music industry, you know what I mean. So we need to keep that alive, so that younger artists can go back to that fountain of truth, and see what it is, so that when they go in the studio and do what they do – they have the inside!”
Eli “Paperboy” Reed (Eli “Paperboy” Reed & The True Loves) (26.05.2008):
“I’m glad you got this Soul Music-magazine in Germany – the SOUL TRAIN. You got to spread Soul around the world!”

Dianne Reeves
Dianne Reeves (29.02.2008):
“Everybody get on board! There is music for your feet, there is music for your heart. And definitely music to sing. SOUL TRAIN music is infectious, soulful and funky!”
Mark Reilly (Matt Bianco) (30.06.2009):
“I strongly believe in people’s passions. It always comes through when someone like you has a passion for that kind of music – Soul Music. It’s believable and real.”
Marta Ren (12.02.2016):
„Stop Look Listen – The Incredible SOUL TRAIN came to level up Germany’s Funk Railroad!“
Andrew Roachford (08.09.2014)
„When it comes to soul music SOUL TRAIN is keeping Germany on the right track!“
Helen Rogers (The Jazzmasters / etc.) (17.06.2008):
“SOUL TRAIN is sooooooo cool!! It is the soul info provider! I love the SOUL TRAIN!”

Sonny Rollins
Sonny Rollins (31.03.2016):
„The German people have a heritage of great music. I am very happy that there is a Soul Music Magazine in Germany today, because it extends the heritage and the appreciation of the art of music, which Germany has! I am so happy this is being continued by my friend Michael (Arens) and his SOUL TRAIN – it’s important for the world!“

Patrice Rushen
Patrice Rushen (29.07.2019):
„Hello all readers! Kudos to soultrainonline.de for bringing these words about my music to the people! You should read this interview because it will hopefully enhance your experience whenever you listen to my music!“
Dennis Rux (Angels Of Libra / Hamburg Spinners / Tetrao Urogallus / etc.) (08.03.2023): „Danke SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de für ein Spitzen-Interview mit tollen und tiefgründigen Fragen zur neuen Platte und zu deren Hintergründen!“
Raphael Saadiq (Tony! Toni! Toné! / Lucy Pearl) (17.04.2009):
“Ride the wave of the SOUL TRAIN!”
Joel Sarakula (21.04.2020):
„“Companionship“ is a little bit of sunshine and togetherness, memories of good times in the past and the good times to come. Take care and stay safe! Sunny Days!“
Tommy Schneller (19.02.2016):
„SOUL TRAIN – Balsam für die Seele! Alles was Dein Herz braucht! Lass‘ die Seele fliegen auf soultrainonline.de!“
Rena Scott (08.06.2008):
“Soultrainonline.de is one of the best and most informative magazines on line. It is the only magazine that covers Soul, Funk, R&B, Smooth Jazz and Urban music in Germany . The wonderful thing is we all get to enjoy it world wide. It has great reviews and interviews as well as up to date news about some of your favorite and most talented artist in the world It’s all about great music. Thank you so much Michael. Let’s keep good music alive forever.”
Roxanne Shanté (14.09.2008):
“Hey, this is Dr. Roxanne Shanté, and when I’m online, I definitely get on board the SOUL TRAIN – Online – All The Time!”

Sheila E.
Sheila E. (07.10.2013):
„I love that Germany has Soul – thanks to the SOUL TRAIN!“
Bunny Sigler (02.06.2015):
„Read the SOUL TRAIN, so you can widen your knowledge of the music of the world!“
Steve Skaith (Latin Quarter) (28.07.2016):
„The SOUL TRAIN that sees Soul in different places!“
Slakah The Beatchild (24.10.2008):
“There is only one magazine, one voice, one source – and that’s SOUL TRAIN Germany!”
Carlton Jumel Smith (24.02.2022):
„Major Shoutout to everyone who has laid eyes on this page, on www.soultrainonline.de! You are truly in the place to be with, brother Michael Arens! Michael, I love the fact, that you’re committed to Soul Music because it has such a glorious history and you are helping to not only preserve that history but move it forward into the future! To you and my audience: I look forward to meeting you all! Please feel free to contact me… I will write all of you back!“
Smoove And Turrell – Jonathan Scott „Smoove“ Watson (26.06.2018):
„Buy our music, come see us live – don’t wait for us to come to your city, get off your ass and travel to somewhere near where we are playing. We simply can’t reach every city ourselves, it’s physically impossible, haha! To our fans and to the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de: Thank you very much for keeping Soul Music alive in Germany!“

Lisa Stansfield
Lisa Stansfield (20.11.2013):
„It’s beautiful that the SOUL TRAIN is out there promoting Soul Music, because there should be more Soul Music inside us, and not outside us!“
Cassandra Steen (01.08.2011):
“Alleine der Titel SOUL TRAIN ist sehr, sehr schön. Erinnert mich natürlich an die Sendung aus den Staaten. Ich find es schön, dass es so etwas überhaupt in Deutschland gibt, dass Soul so in Deutschland vertreten wird!“
Stereo MCs (Rob Birch) (31.08.2011):
“The SOUL TRAIN is a part of the Stereo MCs! We’ve been doing music for over 20 years. It’s great to see that there are still magazines out there who are promoting not only upfront modern club music but also are looking to investigate music which has a different sort of depth, music that is leftfield and music which is experimenting as well as popular music and, of course, soul music.”

Jasmin Tabatabai
Jasmin Tabatabai (10.06.2016):
„SOUL TRAIN – wichtig ist, welche Seele dahinter und darin steckt…“
Jimi Tenor (13.11.2009):
“It’s good that Germany has a magazine like the SOUL TRAIN that concentrates on the more soulful music. In Germany electronic music is big. But maybe that is not the ultimate music-genre to listen to. The SOUL TRAIN helps to change that. Soul has a very mental influence on music. It’s good to have that option. It’s good to have the SOUL TRAIN!”

The Tibbs
Berd Ruttenberg (The Tibbs) (23.04.2016):
„This TRAIN of SOUL is unrelentingly rushing through the German and European music scene. Make sure you’re on it!“
Titiyo (Blacknuss Allstars/etc.) (09.11.2009):
“Ja, es ist gut, dass es den SOUL TRAIN gibt. Es gibt einen großen Fokus auf elektronische Musik und auf das Independent-Genre. Und natürlich gibt es in der Black Music soviel mehr als Jay-Z und Beyoncé und all das kommerzielles Zeug. Und gerade dafür ist es gut, den SOUL TRAIN zu haben. Damit jemand das alles im Auge behalten kann; dass es soviel mehr zu Black Music im weitesten Sine zu sagen gibt… Well done, SOUL TRAIN!”
Tok Tok Tok (10.11.2008):
“Wir finden es sehr schade, dass die Soul-Magazine der letzten Jahre jeweils nicht lange durchgehalten haben, besonders, da Soul-Musik ein Riesenpublikum hat. Umso großartiger, dass es mit www.soultrainonline.de wieder ein Podium gibt, welches die Lücke schließt. Vielleicht ist Soul-Musik auch einfach unserer Seele so nah, dass es schwerer fällt, sie intellektuell von außen zu betrachten, als sie einfach in sich auf zu nehmen?! Übrigens ist die SOUL TRAIN-Website (soultrainonline.de) toll gestaltet, und wir haben uns gefreut, dort beim Stöbern auf alte und neue Acts zu treffen! SOUL TRAIN – KEEP UP THE GROOVE!!”

Tricky (21.08.2017):
„Berlin gives you the space to do the art you want to do, whether you’re a painter or a musician, as well as the SOUL TRAIN @ soultrainonline.de – here is the space and the time to do it, without pressure!“
Tuomo (29.06.2009):
“It’s great to have a magazine like the SOUL TRAIN that deals with one genre specifically, especially if that genre is Soul Music!”
Ty (30.01.2018):
„You (the readers) should read the interview @ soultrainonline.de because you’re having a really honest conversation between two men who love music, that are discussing music from an original point of view of actually loving a tangible record rather than these download/mp3-mixtape-situation. This is people talking about the evolution of music, new music, where people are interested in the song, interested in the artist, interested in the process and interested in the end result!“
Wolfgang Valbrun (Ephemerals) (08.05.2024):
“Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest in this project and in who I am. It’s a privilege to have outlets like soultrainonline.de to support artists like me and to give you guys a great place to discover great music. I appreciate you guys!”

Laura Vane
Laura Vane (Laura Vane & The Vipertones) (14.07.2009):
“It’s great to be supported and featured by the SOUL TRAIN and be part of the Soul scene in Germany and in Euope!”
Stuart Wade (Down To The Bone) (15.09.2009):
“It’s nice that Germany has a home for Soul and Funky Music in the form of the SOUL TRAIN. I just love reading the magazine!”
Kenny Wellington (Beggar & Co./Light Of The World/etc.) (26.02.2008):
“We (Beggar & Co./Light Of The World, Anmerkung der Redaktion) are always glad to see mags like the SOUL TRAIN. Not only do you keep the readers informed but you also keep the great tradition going. Blues & Soul, Echoes, SOUL TRAIN and all of those great mags are an important part of the musical framework and very important to both artists and readers.”

Fred Wesley
Fred Wesley (07.09.2010):
“I’m riding the SOUL TRAIN in Germany – keep the Funk alive!”
Jake Wherry (The Herbaliser) (16.05.2008):
“The SOUL TRAIN – check it out! Brothers got Soul!”
Doug Wimbish (Living Colour/Tack>>Head/Head>>Fake/etc.) (09.04.2008):
“It’s very simple man. It’s just very important that Germany has a place for Soul Music. Because Soul Music lies in everybody. Then you have to have a frequency to tap in on. And that is the SOUL TRAIN. So check that shit out, ‘cause that’s where the frequency lies in Germany!”
Yosef “Critical“ Wolde-Mariam (Madcon) (15.05.2008):
“The site rocks. Check it out…!”
Raphael Wressnig (11.10.2018):
„Danke SOUL TRAIN! Grossartig, dass jemand den Spirit weiterträgt! Laying it deep, playing for keeps. Live long, party strong!“
… and many more!
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